Instructions on How to Submit Resume
Listing a Resume

Listings for a position or person are added or removed approximately every 15 days--on the 15th and last business day of every month. Listings do not renew automatically and must be received 5 business days prior to each posting date, conform to all information criteria, and supplied electronically. All listing must be brief.
Choose from 12 job categories:
Submiting a Resume
$25 per for members
$50 for non-members
(fees are per listing, and for a period of 45 days)
People listing themselves as available for employment should provide an abbreviated resume according to the information requested below.
When a listing is submitted on-line, the following information must be provided:
- Your Name
- Position title you are seeking
- last 3 companies worked for, title and dates of employ
- highest education completed
- your phone #
- e-mail address
If you would like to Post a Resume to the MMBA Job Ceter please click here.