Please donate | Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association

Please donate

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and learn more about the Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Foundation.

In September, 2004, the Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association realized the long range vision of creating an independent philanthropic foundation, the Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Foundation, Inc. This foundation’s primary mission is to provide financial assistance toward credit education and to improve the quality and the availability of affordable housing throughout the Commonwealth. The MMBA believes so strongly in this mission, that the Association made a seed contribution of $75,000.

Today, we would like to ask you to consider joining us by making a donation pledge to the Foundation.

With these funds, the Foundation will grant financial support to not-for-profit housing advocates who come recommended by members of the MMBA. We are hopeful that our philanthropic participation in housing issues will better the understanding of the mortgage process to those who seek homeownership, particularly in underserved communities.

In the past, the MMBA as partnered with investors and others to develop low to moderate income loan programs such as Massachusetts Mortgage Solutions.  The Foundation will enable us to expand our commitment to affordable housing and broaden our outreach to the communities which we serve.

With your financial commitment we can drive our mission by providing the necessary financial assistance to nonprofit organizations that will increase the affordable housing supply; improve upon the quality of existing affordable housing stock; increase the availability of affordable homeownership opportunities; support homeownership education in low/moderate income communities and reduce the risk of predatory lending.

We hope that you and your firm will help us with this aggressive housing agenda. Please join us today and help us meet this challenge!!


Craig Nardi, President

The Foundation is tax exemption under IRS section 501(c)(3), so that contributions will be deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution will be recognized with appropriate tax deductable receipt. In addition, contributions to the MMB Foundation have been determined to be a qualified investment under the Massachusetts Community Reinvestment Act, General Laws Chapter 167, Section 14 and its implementing regulations 209 CMR 46.00 et seq.


